Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Poor Man's Enchiladas

We had left over Taco Soup (I've posted about that before). The question was, how to make something taste/feel a little different without wasting the food you already have in the fridge.

I also always wonder what to do with the small crunched up pieces of tortilla chips at the end of the bag that are too small to dip into the Guacamole. Well, this was a good meal that killed both of those birds with the same stone.

In the bottom of the Casserole Dish, I put a layer of a bunch of crushed up tortilla chips. You don't have to make them too fine, just crunch up the big chips a bit.

Then, I poured over the Taco Soup, which actually was more the consistency of chili and not soup.

Lastly, sprinkle with cheddar cheese, and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 min. until the cheese is melted. Voila! Tastes very similar to enchiladas, and you can garnish it up with sour cream, avocado, diced green onion, olives, etc.

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