Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baby Poop Pasta

I thought this would be appropriate for my inaugural post. Tonight I made what I affectionately called baby poop pasta (well, at least in my head). I told the kids it was veggie pasta. My husband wasn't home for dinner tonight, which was probably just as well. This recipe is adapted from a fun toddler cook book that helps parents figure out ways to sneak veggies into their kids diets. It was actually quite tasty. It would have been tasty looking if I had left out the kale, but since the entire point was to empty out my veggie drawer to prep for our farmers' market trip, in it went. I really love the idea: cook up a bunch of good veggies with tomatoes, blend it up, and serve it as a tomato-ish sauce over pasta. The recipe below is tonight's version based on what I wanted to use up. One of these nights I post the actual recipe. This was just so much more fun to post!

olive oil
1-2 cloves garlic
2 leeks (sliced about an inch into the green)
2 shallots (sliced)
2 carrots (sliced)
1/2 bunch black kale (stemmed)
4 tomatoes (skinned and chopped - I would have used more, but this was all I had)
salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese
1 package rice pasta from Trader Joe's

Begin heating pasta water. Saute first 6 ingredients over medium heat while skinning and chopping tomatoes (plunge in boiling water for 30 seconds and then in ice cold water for 30 seconds and then slip off skin). Once other veggies are tender, start cooking pasta and add tomatoes and seasoning. Simmer for three minutes or so. Transfer to food processor or blender. Try not to puree the crap out of it (or into it?) like I did. My eldest has texture issues, so I had to get it pretty smooth. Serve with Parmesan cheese.

Believe it or not, my kids loved it (I know, I know, I need to come up with a better way to feed pasta to my youngest).

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  1. ack, my comment didn't post. to recap, i said "christa, as soon as i saw this recipe title i knew it had to be you!". noel doesn't like pasta (what kid doesn't like pasta?!) but loves rice. maybe the same baby poop sauce over rice, hmmmm. . .

  2. Eden looks so beautiful in that picture. And, it is extra funny to see her wearing her fairy wings at the dinner table. I'm seeing a career as a character at Disneyland in her future since she loves to dress up so much : )

    Baby Poop, huh? Since I have been having so many lovely experiences with it these days, myself, I might need to name the dish something else so I can wrap my mind around eating it for dinner.
