Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fancy Rice 'n' Beans

every now and then i like to try to use up what's in our pantry and freezer. this is one of those weeks. and, since gar has seen the light and realized that we don't need meat in every. single. meal (how was i vegetarian for the first 2 1/2 years of our marriage?!) it has made this cleaning out task even easier. noel LOVES rice and beans so i always have a can of some type of beans on hand; i know, one of these days i'll buy the big bag of beans and make them from scratch. we also had an avocado and a little guacamole that needed to be used up.

so, ingredients:
-mexican rice: saute 2 cups rice in 1/4 cup oil, add 8 oz. tomato sauce (i only had tomato soup which worked fine, and 4 cups broth (i had to use bullion cubes). bring to a boil then reduce heat and over for 15-20 min.
-black or pinto beans (i actually only had chili beans so i used a potato masher to mash them to make them like refried beans)

fixin' ideas: (we only had spinach and avocado)
-chopped up lettuce or spinach
-sour cream

i also made some quesidillas for the side. all in all i'd say it was 30-45 min. to prepare and cost $5 or $6 total.

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