Monday, January 24, 2011

The Beginning

My friends and I are always asking eachother the question, "What are you making for dinner?" We meet up for playdates, and the time runs away from us. All of a sudden, it becomes obvious that we need to hurry home and try and wrestle up a substantial meal for the toddlers and hubbies in our lives. Oh yeah, I need to eat too! For some single/married friends without kids, it's hard to work full time, and have the energy to go grocery shopping, make a big meal, and pack up the leftovers for lunch the next day.

Not only is it hard to work outside of the home (in some cases), get some down time for yourself so you don't suffer from stress-related illnesses, be a good wife, take care of the kiddos, keep the house in order, but also put a home cooked tasty meal on the table most nights??? Sometimes it feels impossible! God bless Trader Joe's.

In my case, if I don't plan out my meals well ahead of time, and start the prep work by nap time, we have Grilled Cheese for dinner once again. I'm always wondering what others are making at their houses. It's hard to find meals that please everyone in a household, so I would love to add some new ideas to my repertoire. Ideas for sneaking veggies into the diet of a toddler? Something simple and fast, yet delicious? I'm all ears!

Do you have any recipes/ideas that meet these criteria? If so, let's share. Nothing fancy. Just post your recipe, and any quick observations/notes along with it. If you want to include a picture, even better. But there's no pressure! This is a one-stop shop for easy dinner ideas for families.

Who are we kidding? We'll turn into Julia Child in our 50's once the kids have moved out and we no longer have puzzle pieces and dried up playdough littering our homes.

What are you making for dinner tonight?

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